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2004 Nictimene... Sacrílega.jpg

Nictimene... sacrílega

Estudios coloniales en homenaje a Georgina Sabat-Rivers

"It seems to me that this collection of essays gathers that double impulse of criticism that reconstitutes contexts and historical frameworks at the same time that it redefines the ways in which the present is thought. Colonial studies occupy a double foundational place, as the starting point of a specifically americano discursiveness and as an experience that characterizes in so many ways the Latin American present of the global and neoliberal world. We also find in these essays the vitality and passion that have characterized the critical and pedagogical work of Professor Georgina Sabat-Rivers. I want to think that there is no better way to recognize and celebrate this eminent figure in our field of study than to incorporate her devotion and careful reading gestures into our work, which many of us learned through constant dialogue in courses and conferences, or as in my case, through her always punctual annotations in the margins of my first writings on Sor Juana's work ".


– Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel

University of Miami

Author of Caribe Two Ways: cultura de la migración en el Caribe insular hispánico (2003)

Bibliographic information: 

Nictimene... sacrílega. Estudios coloniales en homenaje a Georgina Sabat-Rivers edited by Mabel Moraña and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel. México: Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana e Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2003.

© 2022 by Mabel Moraña

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