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Momentos críticos

Literatura y cultura en América Latina

Momentos críticos offers an updated critical-theoretical approach, of transdisciplinary nature, to the study of Latin American culture, understood as a field of struggle for representational power and as a symbolic space for the expression of collective subjectivities. Through studies of various registers, power dynamics are explored; symbolic production; the articulations of class, race and gender; the place of the humanities and the role of intellectuals in the context of globalization. To do this, the relationships between the local, the national, and the global are analyzed, deploying a lucid approach to the study of political agency, the relationships between reality and fiction, and the links between memory, social action, and historical imagination. Likewise, Momentos críticos inserts itself into the problematics of the field of cultural studies, discussing its contributions, limitations and perspectives.

Bibliographic information: 

Momentos críticos. Literatura y cultura en América Latina. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 2018.

© 2022 by Mabel Moraña

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