Bibliographic information:
Territorios y forasteros: retratos y debates latinoamericanos edición a cargo de Alicia Ortega Caicedo. Guayaquil: Ediciones Universidad de las Artes, 2015.
Territorios y forasteros:
retratos y debates latinoamericanos
"This book collects a set of essays produced by the Uruguayan scholar Mabel Moraña throughout the last two decades of her intellectual work. The selection criterion responds to the purpose of identifying those essays built around foundational figures of our intellectual history and culture. They are writers and scholars who have strengthened the regional debate, from the contribution of concepts-metaphors and categories of analysis, poetics of writing, creative interventions, in the renewal of the regional intellectual map and the effort to build channels of mediation and dialogue between the multiple cultural matrix that cross the conflictive Latin American reality. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, José Carlos Mariátegui, Ángel Rama, Antonio Cornejo Polar, Jorge Luis Borges, José María Arguedas, Julio Cortázar, Bolívar Echeverría, Pedro Lemebel, constitute the center of a reflection that investigates around the critical tradition of Latin American thought. Mabel Moraña is interested in the critical reception of European thinkers in the Latin American cultural field –Walter Benjamin, Pierre Bourdieu, among others–, in the scene of prolific debates that never cease to question the specificity of Latin American insertion in the civilizing project of capitalist modernity. Belonging, identity and territoriality; transculturation, heterogeneity, abigarramiento; coloniality and emancipation; Neo-baroque and writing; fictionalization of the self and female subjectivity; Modernity and violence are axes that articulate and encourage the essays that make up this anthology. "
– Alicia Ortega Caicedo
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
Author of Fuga hacia dentro. La novela ecuatoriana en el siglo XX (2017)