Filosofía y crítica en América Latina
De Mariátegui a Sloterdijk
This book explores the complex relationships between the fields of philosophy and criticism, focusing on methodological, ideological and cultural aspects in which European canonical reflection connects, in many cases conflictively, with Latin American thought. Filosofía y crítica analyzes the aspects of the work of influential modern thinkers (Benjamin, Foucault, Bourdieu, Sloterdijk) vis a vis the proposals of representative authors of Latin American philosophy (Mariátegui, Dussel, Bartra, Echeverría), trying to discover convergences and challenges between these both trends. Likewise, this volume focuses on crucial issues of our time: the crisis of humanism, the strategies of biopolitics, the problems of scarcity, violence, the critique of modernity, the world of affections and the challenges of globalization. The distint profile of Latin American thought is thus imprinting its mark on current debates, revealing the powerful force of intellectual currents that resist epidemic domination in search of renewed forms of collective emancipation.
Filosofía y crítica en América Latina. De Mariátegui a Sloterdijk was translated into English by Andrew Ascherl, and is available here.
Bibliographic information:
Filosofía y crítica en América Latina. De Mariátegui a Sloterdijk. Santiago de Chile: Metales Pesados, 2018.