Bibliographic information:
Between Incas and Pishtacos: Studies on Peruvian Literature and Culture. Lima: Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar, 2018.
Entre incas y pistachos
Estudios sobre literatura y cultura peruana
This volume brings together a series of works dedicated to different aspects of Andean culture, and particularly to that which has had as its epicenter the cultural development of Peru, from viceregal times to the present. Written over decades, these essays constitute a critical corpus that represents the author's intellectual trajectory, which began in the late 1970s, in dialogue with researchers such as Nelson Osorio, Antonio Cornejo Polar, Ángel Rama, Hugo Achugar, Beatriz González Stephan, Alejandro Losada Guido, and many others, dealing with current intellectual and political issues. The volume proposes approaches and dialogues with the work of Inca Garcilaso, José Carlos Mariátegui, Gamaliel Churata, José María Arguedas, Mario Vargas Llosa, Manuel Scorza, Lika Mutal, and Antonio Cornejo Polar, among others, touching classic themes from our tradition such as indigenismo as well as other novelties such as the analysis of an Andean corpus from the category of monstrosity. Most of these studies, produced from different institutional enclaves, in different countries and as a contribution to specific debates, have been published in books or specialized journals, but this is the first time that they have been put together in a single volume. It also includes interviews made to the author from Peru, which have allowed her to delve into her own intellectual work on the Andean country.