Bibliographic information:
Philosophy and Criticism in Latin America. From Mariátegui to Sloterdijk. Amherst: Cambria Press, 2020.
Filosofía y crítica en América Latina
De Mariátegui a Sloterdijk
"This book is a timely contribution to current debates on the role of philosophy beyond the North American and European traditions, allowing the Anglophone reader access to the world of ideas of some of the most relevant Latin American thinkers of our age. Through a meticulous discussion of the works and contexts of thinkers such as of José Carlos Mariátegui, Enrique Dussel, Bolívar Echeverría, and Roger Bartra to Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, and Peter Sloterdijk, Mabel Moraña demonstrates that Latin American thought has not only been inseparable from Western philosophy but also from the determinants of its history and social struggles. By doing so, Mabel Moraña provides an extensive perspective on the connections between historical moments, social structures, and discursive practices. Ambitious and impressive in scope, this groundbreaking contribution destabilizes common assumptions in philosophy and criticism by untangling the intricate web of ideological, intellectual, and cultural positions proper to these disciplines, in and beyond Latin America."
– Adela Pineda Franco
Boston University
Author of Geopolíticas de la cultura finisecular en Buenos Aires, París y México: las revistas literarias y el modernismo (2006)
Philosophy and Criticism in Latin America. From Mariátegui to Sloterdijk was translated into English by Andrew Ascherl from its original version in Spanish, also available here.