Bibliographic information:
Nuevas perspectivas desde/sobre América Latina. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2002.
Nuevas perspectivas desde/sobre América Latina:
El desafío de los estudios culturales
This volume is presented as a contribution to the reading of some of the most representative perspectives on cultural studies today from / on Latin America. Prepared in different academic contexts and from diverse cultural and ideological perspectives, the articles gathered here expose, on the one hand, the thematic and methodological variety that manifests the interdisciplinary intersections that characterize this field of study today. At the same time, these works are also the result of diverse theoretical appropriations about the complex relationships between culture, politics and history, as these are glimpsed from the horizon of current debates and in the face of the crisis of the great paradigms that guided the critique of culture within the field of Latin Americanism.
A first version of this volume was published by Editorial Cuarto Propio in 2000.