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Uruguay: imaginarios culturales

desde las huellas indígenas a la modernidad

Uruguay has made historical reflection one of its fundamental intellectual instances. Multiple works, the result of the efforts of various researchers, testify to that desire to carefully survey sources, movements, processes, as well as the will to understand them, to inscribe the national question in a larger context, which allows interpreting the characteristics of imaginary always in it fights with its own borders.


This project aims to cover the cultural process from before the Conquest to the present, it is part of this work of investigation and analysis of the historical and cultural processes from which the national identity or identities are formed, in its different stages.


This first volume analyzes "Uruguayan" cultural processes from before the Río de la Plata region was "discovered" by Europeans, until the beginning of the 20th century. It is a multi-voiced account of a process in which symbolic representations, urban designs, political or religious praxis, myths and collective projects crystallize, constituting images of Uruguay in its most diverse facets and levels.

Bibliographic information: 

Uruguay: imaginarios culturales desde las huellas indígenas a la modernidad edited by Mabel Moraña and Hugo Achugar. Montevideo: Trilce, 2000.

© 2022 by Mabel Moraña

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