Bibliographic information:
Del monólogo europeo al diálogo inter-filosófico coordinado por Mabel Moraña y José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2018.
Del monólogo europeo al diálogo inter-filosófico
Ensayos sobre Enrique Dussel y la filosofía de la liberación
The question of emancipation is not restricted neither to an expression of the subject (rational, modern) nor to an area of the planet (the North-Atlantic West) but rather involves a dimension of universal meaning in which the space that has been occupied in the history of the world (peripheral) and the type of interpellation that this locus generates (from outside). Structures of domination and struggles for self-determination are the arena of historical dispute that in our region was shaping a movement that, at the end of the sixties, promoted a thought of Latin American liberation, a claim that today is more global and is executed as a decolonized turn in the structures of knowledge. With this displacement, the conceptual network and the planes to which this epistemological requirement spills have been expanded accordingly. Recently added to this more comprehensive forge of the liberation paradigm are contributions from gender studies and the feminist struggle, the claim for an ethic conducive to a "philosophy of the liberation of nature," a "political philosophy of science" and for the economy of the Anthropocene, as well as providing the bases for a politics of liberation that in its normative dimension consolidates proposals for a renewed legal critique. In each of these projects (from a South that extends to the North as an existence in suffering) the multiple voices of a popular subject are announced from which the inter-philosophical dialogue must be undertaken and the one that has to move towards that new stage of the world (and transmodernity) that arises from the debris that the current crisis inherits us.
Each of these essays projects the thought of Enrique Dussel towards areas that open a debate with the most lucid of social and philosophical thought that is taking place throughout the world, this is demonstrated by the very varied origin that this work has gathered. It will be up to the readers to assess how relevant this collective effort is, not only to take into account the philosophical work of one of our great mentors but also to contribute to the praxis of liberation, as necessary today as half a century ago.